SCC uses the Grid Engine (GE) queuing system (Son of Grid Engine 8.1.8) for simulation job management (Please see the GE tutorial). The GE  can be used in text mode and graphical (qmon) on the frontend server. All nodes are able to submit and execute jobs.

The following GE queues are currently available:

Queue Slots Default/max. run time Usage User
scc 3892 7 days/10 days All SCC nodes all
long 2736 7 days/120 days Long running jobs all
old 488 7 days/30 days Older Nodes (AMD and Intel) all
pc 616 7 days/7 days Workstations @theophys
gpu 308 7 days/10 days GPU nodes all

You can select a single queue or let GE decide by specifying needed resources (see below), but consider that requesting high values may impact negatively in your job scheduling.

All queues support serial and parallel jobs. For parallel jobs use the parallel environments whether your job uses shared memory (like OpenMP) or distributed memory (like MPI).

Parallel Environment Usage Max. Slots Example
smp/openmp Shared Memory (single node) 16-64 -pe smp 20
mpi Distributed Memory all -pe mpi 42
mpi-20 Distributed Memory (exclusive nodes) n x 20 -pe mpi-20 160
mpi-8/mpi-12/mpi-16/mpi-24 Distributed Memory (exclusive nodes) n x 8/12/16/24 -pe mpi-8 16

The GE slots refer to real CPU core. To use Hyper-threading you need to specify the number of used cores explicitly in your job script (see GE tutorial).
All queues are configured for fair scheduling (ticket based job priority) and reservation (handle serial and parallel jobs at the same time) to treat all users and jobs fairly. The available resources per user obviously depend on the contribution of the users group to SCC.

For GPU-jobs please check the GPU-page.

Resources can be requested with the -l option. Especially h_vmem and h_rt are important for most jobs. All available resources are:

Resource Example (qsub option) Explaination
h_vmem -l h_vmem=4G request 4 GB memory PER SLOT for the job (default 1 GB, max 768 GB)
h_rt -l h_rt=48:00:00 request 2 days run time (default 7 days, max 120 days)
infiniband -l ib request Infiniband interconnect (fast network)
exclusive -l ex request exclusive usage of a single node (use only for MPI jobs on single nodes, add "-w w" if job is rejected)
max10 -l m10 limit your number of used slots by all jobs to 10 (useful if you don't want to fill the group quota)
max100 -l m100=2 limit your number of used slots by all jobs to 50
max1000 -l m1000=2.5 limit your number of used slots by all jobs to 400
cputype -l p="haswell|ivybridge" request CPU type (epyc3,epyc,cascadelake,skylake,broadwell,haswell, ivybridge, sandybridge, phi, corei7, core2, core2duo)
epyc3, epyc,cl,sl,bw,hw, ivy, sandy, phi,corei7, core2, core2duo -l hw request exact CPU type (EPYC 3 / EPYC / Cascadelake / Skylake / Broadwell / Haswell / Ivy Bridge / Sandy Bridge / Phi / Core i7 / Core 2 Quad / Core 2 Duo)
avx -l avx Only nodes supporting AVX
avx2 -l avx2 Only nodes supporting AVX2 (Haswell and higher)
avx512 -l avx512 Only nodes supporting AVX512 (Skylake and Cascadelake)

with following settings:

  • default GE options: -cwd -q scc,old,pc,long -R y
    • work in current working directory
    • default queue: dlr, scc and pc
    • reservation with back filling for parallel jobs
  • fair scheduling (ticket based job priority)
  • multiple queues per node without over subscription
  • starter method to set OMP_NUM_THREADS to NSLOTS and set Modules environment

You can use qquota to see limitations applying for you. If you have a lot of jobs, please consider using array jobs.

Please do not send jobs to single nodes like "qsub -q scc@scc042". The best choise is almost always to use any queue and let the queuing system decide by the resources you specify. You may limit the selection of nodes by specifying certain hostgroups by using "-q scc@@scc-ivy-64GB", etc.

Hostgroups Specification Number of nodes
@scc-epyc3-256GB AMD EPYC 3 CPU, 256 GB RAM 4
@scc-cascadelake-192GB Cascadelake CPU, 192 GB RAM 8
@scc-skylake-192GB Skylake CPU, 192 GB RAM 28
@scc-broadwell-128GB Broadwell CPU, 128 GB RAM 4
@scc-broadwell-512GB Broadwell CPU, 512 GB RAM 12
@scc-haswell-64GB Haswell CPU, 64 GB RAM 8
@scc-haswell-256GB Haswell CPU, 256 GB RAM 4
@scc-ivy-64GB Ivy Bridge CPU, 64 GB RAM 16
@scc-ivy-256GB Ivy Bridge CPU, 256 GB RAM 35
@scc-sandy-64GB Sandy Bridge CPU, 64 GB RAM 2
@scc-sandy-128GB Sandy-Bridge CPU, 128 GB RAM 5
@scc-sandy-256GB Sandy-Bridge CPU, 256 GB RAM 3
@scc-gpu Ivy Bridge CPU, Tesla K20 GPU scc066
@scc-gpu2 Haswell CPU, Tesla K80 GPU scc116,scc117
@scc-gpu3 Silver 4114 CPU, 4 NVIDIA V100 GPU scc146
@scc-gpu-epyc AMD EPYC 7401P, 8 RTX 2080TI scc195-scc199
  AMD EPYC 7713, 4 NVIDIA L40 scc192