Current news

New GPU node available

A new GPU node with 4 x NVIDIA Tesla L40 with 1 TB RAM is now available. The node can be used as normal with the gpu queue.

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New file server available

Two new file server with each 640 TB (netto) space were added. The main data space /work (= /data/scc) was moved to the new file server. The file system supports compression, so don't compress your data with low compression rates (like gzip) . A monthly backup of all data is available.

Cocalc Server available

We now have an installation of a Collaborative Calculation (CoCalc) server system. It's not connected to the SCCKN accounts, so just let me know to get a dedicated account. The server can be accessed via Any feedback is very welcome.

Jupyterhub available

SCCKN now has a Jupyterhub running. This is a webinterface to Jupyter and other applications running on the cluster. The URL is

Just login with your normal SCCKN account.

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