MATLAB (matrix laboratory) is a multi-paradigm numerical computing environment and can be used on the Cluster interactively on the Frontend (scc) or in a job (without graphical user interface).

There are several ways to use MATLAB which should be selected for convenience.

MATLAB can be called vi the link /software/bin/matlab (or /software/bin/matlab-2020a, etc. for other versions) or by loading the module:

module load matlab

The module is recommend since it sets important environment variables.

To use MATLAB in a job, it needs to be started without graphical user interface. This can be done with

matlab -batch matlab_script

where matlab_script.m is the MATLAB script to run.

When using MATLAB older than 2019a you need to run

matlab -nodisplay -nodesktop -nosplash -r matlab_script

Here is a simple job script (including necessary increased memory limit of 10GB):

#$ -N matlab_job
#$ -l h_vmem=10G

module load matlab

matlab -batch matlab_script

Parallel usage

To use parallelization in MATLAB you should select the parallel environment "smp" and the correct number of threads. Just add the line(for 8 threads)

#$ -pe smp 8

to the job script.

Now you can start a parpool or/and use parfor, etc.

parfor (i=1:N,8)