Current news

Cocalc Server available

We now have an installation of a Collaborative Calculation (CoCalc) server system. It's not connected to the SCCKN accounts, so just let me know to get a dedicated account. The server can be accessed via Any feedback is very welcome.

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Jupyterhub available

SCCKN now has a Jupyterhub running. This is a webinterface to Jupyter and other applications running on the cluster. The URL is

Just login with your normal SCCKN account.

Updated server and nodes

All server and nodes were updated to the latest OpenSUSE 15.3. The software modules should work as before. Please check your software packages and recompile if necessary. Let me know if there are any issues.

Supporting Folding@Home

SCCKN is donating free resources to supports the Folding@Home project which is right now dedicated to the research of COVID-19. If you also like to contribute your free computing resources, please install the software on your computer and join the team "University of Konstanz" (team id 251386).

Software Updates in progress

openSUSE 15.1 and updated modules are available!

New frontends available

The new frontends to the SCCKN are available now! They are called scc and scc2.

New GPU node including 4 Tesla V100

We now have a new GPU node containing four NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPUs. Check out the GPU page for details.

Matlab and PRNG tutorial added

Check out the new Matlab and PRNG tutorials if you use Matlab on the Cluster or want to know some details about random number generation

New Intel Compiler, MPI and libraries available

The new Intel Compiler (icc, icpc, ifort), Intel MPI and MKL, TBB, IPP from Intel Parallel 2018u1 Cluster are now available. Consider recompiling your software when possible.

Welcome our new webpage!

Please let us know if there is something missing or not working as expected.